Brake Light And ABS Light On And Speedometer Not Working

Brake Light And ABS Light On And Speedometer Not Working:

Brake light on. ABS light on. Speedometer stops working. Heck, this can be one hell of a car trouble! You can feel troubled by such a situation, especially if you have no clue what to do about it. But worry not. This guide will offer you clues as to what is causing this issue and give you a solution to the problem.

Brake light and ABS light on and speedometer not working is usually a signal to a problem with your vehicle speed sensor. The potential culprits behind this issue could be a faulty ABS sensor, failed ABS module, malfunctioning speed sensor, failing instrument cluster, or wiring faults.

The rest of this article will dig deeper into all the potential causes behind the combination of these lights coming on, along with the speedometer not working. We’ll also share with you some practical solutions to get your car back up and running smoothly again. Stay tuned!

Brake Light And Abs Light On And Speedometer Not Working Causes

The issue of brake and ABS warning lights coming on while the speedometer going to zero isn’t anything new. Many other vehicle owners have experienced this issue at some point and they even have a word for it—the mischievous trio.

Brake Light And Abs Light On And Speedometer Not Working Causes

In this section, we’ll list all the potential causes that could be behind this strange occurrence in your car:

Failing speed sensor

Your car engine speed sensor, also known as vehicle speed sensor (VSS) relays info to your vehicle computer regarding how fast the engine is spinning at any given moment.

The computer uses this info to control various systems including the transmission, ABS system, and the speedometer.

If this sensor starts failing, it can cause inaccurate readings or even produce no readings at all, thus causing the speedometer to go all the way down to zero.

ABS module problem

Your car ABS module receives input from various sensors, including the VSS. It then uses this info to determine when to activate the ABS system.

Failed ABS module will cause the speedometer to stop working while at the same time triggering the ABS and brake warning lights. In some cases, it may also result in a malfunctioning transmission.

Faulty wiring or electrical connection

If the wiring leading to the speed sensor is damaged or broken, it can also affect the sensor functionality. This will then trigger the ABS light and brake light to come on.

Failing instrument cluster

The instrument cluster on your dash displays important info about your car operation. It’s usually controlled by a computer module that gets info from various sensors. It then sends this info to the gauge as well as the warning lights.

If your vehicle instrument cluster gets damaged or faulty, it may end up displaying incorrect speedometer readings. Consequently, this can trigger the brake and ABS lights to come on.

Blown fuse

A bad fuse can also affect the normal functioning of the various electrical components of your car including, the speedometer and ABS system.

With the fuse blown, electrical signals cannot reach these components. Consequently, the ABS light will come on while the speedometer will stop working due to lack of power.

How To Fix Brake Light And Abs Light On And Speedometer Not Working

The best way to fix ABS and brake lights on a non-functional speedometer is to first understand the cause behind it.

Below, we have discussed some helpful troubleshooting tips for this problem:

  • Start by inspecting the fuse for the affected components, speedometer, and ABS system. The fuse box containing these fuses can vary from car to car, so it’s best to consult your user manual for more details. If any of these fuses is blown, replace them immediately.
  • Examine the wiring for speed sensor and other related components for signs of wear or damage. Any damaged wire should be replaced or repaired as necessary. 

If the speed sensor is faulty, you should replace it to fix this problem. You may want to consult your owner’s manual for the exact location of this sensor.

  • If you find the ABS module to be faulty, you’ll also need to replace it. However, this is a complex fix and should be done by a qualified mechanic.
  • Replace the instrument cluster. If the cluster is faulty, we also advise you to replace it. This is also a complex repair, so you should let a qualified mechanic handle it.

If you’re not comfortable diagnosing your car, or can’t seem to find the underlying issue, have a dealership or qualified auto mechanic do a more in-depth diagnosis and resolve the underlying issue.

Note that some of the issues may be complex to diagnose on your end require specialized knowledge and tools.

Should You Drive With Brake, Abs Light On, And Speedometer Not Working?

We don’t advise you to drive your car with the brake and ABS lights on and the speedometer not working.

As we have already discussed before, these warning lights are trying to communicate that your car’s ABS system and speed sensor are problematic. These components are crucial for safe operation of your car. Therefore, you shouldn’t just ignore them.

Take the case of a malfunctioning speed sensor. By relaying incorrect readings or failing to work, the sensor can make it hard for you to accurately gauge your vehicle speed. This potentially leads to unsafe driving conditions.

If you find yourself in this situation, we advise you to pull over as soon as you find a safe place to do it.

Get a qualified auto mechanic to diagnose your car for the underlying issues and do the necessary repairs and replacements. This is the only way you can be assured that your car is safe to drive again.

How Much Does It Cost To Fix This Issue?

The cost to fix the issue of the brake light and ABS light on and speedometer not working usually depends on the underlying issue.

Some of the issues are a cheap fix while others may cost you more. It all depends on the severity of the issue and the parts involved.

If the issue you’re dealing with is a blown fuse or faulty sensor, that’s a pretty cheap fix. However, if you’re dealing with a faulty speedometer, ABS module, or instrument cluster, then the cost may go higher.

Here are estimated repair costs for various issues:

  • Faulty fuse replacement: $20 to $50
  • ABS module replacement: $500 to $1,500
  • Bad speed sensor replacement: $100 to $300
  • Failing instrument cluster replacement: $500 to $1,000+

Overall, having your car diagnosed by a qualified technician is the surest way to get the estimated repair costs for the underlying problem.

Why Is Abs Light On, Speedometer Not Working, And Transmission Not Shifting?

The most likely culprit behind your ABS light coming on, speedometer not working and the transmission not shifting is a bad vehicle speed sensor.

When the speed sensor is failing, it sends the wrong info to your car computer. This causes the computer to make wrong calculations, adjustments.

In some cases, the speed sensor will report that the speed is too low. In response, the computer will stop the transmitter from shifting to higher gear, even when your car is moving at high speeds.

As a result, your engine may start revving more than necessary, leading to reduced fuel economy and increased engine wear.

If the speed sensor registers that the speed is too high, your car computer will stop the tranny from shifting to lower gear, even when your car moves at lower speed. This increases engine labor, affects fuel economy, and leads to increased engine wear.

Incorrect sensor readings will also affect your vehicle’s ABS system. The ABS control module will be unable to make proper calculations of wheel speed.

This will limit it from properly intervening in the event of skidding or traction loss. This can be a dangerous situation as it can compromise your safety on the road.

Other potential causes behind the ABS light on, speedo not working, and transmission not shifting include speed sensor wiring problems, failed ABS module, or a failed transmission sensor.

When faced with this problem, we advise you to pull over and have your car diagnosed for the underlying problem. Getting this problem addressed as soon as possible is crucial for your own safety on the road.

Why Check Engine Light Abs And Brake Light On Speedometer Not Working

Sometimes you may get a situation where the check engine light comes on, ABS and brake lights are on, and the speedometer isn’t working.

In this case, several issues could be behind the issue including a bad speed sensor, wiring issues, malfunctioning instrument cluster, or engine-related issues.

Since the check engine light is on, it means there are error codes generated by your car computer regarding the underlying issue.

Have an auto shop or a mechanic scan your car for any trouble codes stored in the computer. This will give you a clue what the problem is. It will help you narrow down your car diagnosis to a specific part.

We found this helpful video on how to fix this issue:


If you’re experiencing the issue of both the brake light and ABS light being on, along with the speedometer not working, it’s important to explore similar problems in other vehicles as well. You can find more information on this topic in our articles about the Tahoe third brake light not working and the 4Runner brake light not working. These articles provide insights into common causes and potential solutions for a malfunctioning third brake light in those specific vehicles. By referring to these resources, you can gather more information and explore potential troubleshooting methods for your specific situation. Simply click on the links to access the articles.


Why is the ABS light and brake light on and no speedometer Toyota Camry?

The ABS brake light on and speedometer not working in your Toyota Camry can be a result of a faulty speed sensor, wiring issue, blown fuse, malfunctioning ABS module, or instrument cluster issue. A thorough diagnosis is necessary to identify the exact cause of this problem.

Will a bad ABS sensor cause the speedometer not to work?

A bad ABS sensor can make the speedometer stop working. This sensor detects the wheels’ speed and sends this data to your vehicle computer. The computer relies on this info to control various systems including the speedometer. A bad signal means the computer doesn’t get the correct data to operate the speedometer, making it stop working.

How do I get my speedometer to work again?

To make your speedometer functional again, you’ll need to diagnose and fix the root cause behind its non-functionality. Some key culprits include a bad speed sensor, bad fuse, wiring issues, cluster-related issues, etc.

Here’s a video on how to fix the speedometer not working:



When faced with the problem of brake light and ABS light on and speedometer not working, you need not panic. Safely pull over and diagnose your car to find the underlying problem. The key culprits behind this issue include a bad speed sensor, blown fuse, wiring problem, malfunctioning ABS system module, and failing instrument cluster.

It’s crucial to have this issue fixed promptly as it involves components that are crucial for your car’s safety. Follow out troubleshooting steps in the above article to uncover the underlying issue and fix it. Remember, some of these issues require a professional diagnosis, so they’re best left to your mechanic or dealership.

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